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KinectAir selects Electra to capitalize on growing point-to-point regional flight demand

KinectAir, the operating system for booking private charter and advanced air mobility flights, has partnered with Electra.aero (“Electra”), a next-gen aerospace company, to meet the growing demand for convenient, safe, and affordable flight services in the underserved regional travel market.

Under the partnership, KinectAir says it will use the Electra eSTOL aircraft to serve the point-to-point regional market in the Pacific Northwest, with further expansion in both the United States and Europe later.

According to a press release “The combination of Electra’s quiet and cost-efficient electric short takeoff and landing (eSTOL) aircraft operated on KinectAir’s software-defined network unlocks the promise of regional air mobility by lowering the cost of point-to-point air travel while exploiting the vastly underutilized existing infrastructure of 5,200 federally funded regional airports.

“KinectAir is amassing proprietary data from flight itineraries that evidence strong appetite for regional air mobility under 500 miles. “Out of over 40,000 itineraries entered into our software, 83 percent of customers want to bypass the largest 30 airport hubs in order to use only point-to-point airport pairs,” said KinectAir Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jonathan Evans.

“A new NASA-funded study by Georgia Tech’s School of Aerospace Engineering also highlights the potential for regional air mobility in fixed-wing electric aircraft to improve on the Hub and Spoke system. The study found passengers would fly distances over 100 miles ahead of other modes of travel given the option to fly to and from convenient local airports. The present-day commercial model only uses 500 airports – or one in ten of those available.”

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(Image: KinectAir)

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