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Doroni Aerospace reports on first flight of its two-seat personal eVTOL

Doroni Aerospace reports that earlier this month “Doron Merdinger became the first to successfully pilot a two-seater personal Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft in the United States. This remarkable achievement highlights Doroni Aerospace as the undisputed leader in the personal eVTOL category and represents a major milestone for the US eVTOL (flying car) industry and market.”.

Doron Merdinger, CEO and Founder of Doroni Aerospace, said: “I am absolutely thrilled by the remarkable success of our team in completing the first-ever US manned test flight of a personal two-seater eVTOL. It felt like floating on a cushion of air, experiencing a level of freedom and excitement that is unparalleled.”

A video accompanying this announcement is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/30d0b497-e556-4d10-9ce6-ac4e6789cdb2

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