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Paris 2023: PLANA and Bluenest announce strategic partnership

PLANA, a developer of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) eVTOL aircraft, and Bluenest(by Globalvia), a pioneer of vertiport infrastructure, have announced a strategic partnership at the Paris Air Show 2023. The partnership they say “aims to accelerate the development and commercialisation of AAM and vertiport services and infrastructure, creating a global AAM ecosystem.”

According to the press release “PLANA is developing CP-01, a hybrid-based AAM eVTOL aircraft that can operate up to 500 km distances and offshore. The CP-01 is designed to offer fast, safe, and sustainable mobility solutions for various applications, such as passenger transport, cargo delivery, emergency response, and tourism.

“Bluenest is a subsidiary of Globalvia, a multinational transportation infrastructure and services company with operations in 11 countries across three continents. Bluenest is building vertiports, electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) facilities for air taxis and drones, to connect cities, places, and people. Vertiports are expected to reduce congestion, pollution, and travel time in urban areas.

“The companies will collaborate on various aspects of AAM and vertiport operations, such as information sharing, hybrid eVTOL vertiport design, and business model development. The partnership will enhance the commercial value and customer satisfaction of both companies.”

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(Image: Bluenest)

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