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Paris 2023: Safran to develop turbogenerator for Electra’s hybrid-electric aircraft

Safran Helicopter Engines has signed an agreement with Electra.aero to develop the 600 kW electric turbogenerator propulsion system for the prototype of Electra’s nine-passenger hybrid-electric short takeoff and landing (eSTOL) aircraft.

Electra says this turbogenerator is an essential component of the disruptive hybrid-electric propulsion architecture for its low-carbon aircraft. “A turbogenerator consists of a gas turbine combined with one or more electric generators, as well as an innovative system of electrical power and voltage regulation. Safran Helicopter Engines will develop the Electra turbogenerator on the basis of its Arrano turboshaft engine and is leveraging Safran’s broad expertise in electrical equipment, starting with Safran Electrical & Power, which will supply the two GENeUS electrical generators. Safran Helicopter Engines has already ground-tested several types of turbogenerators at various power levels” according to the press release.

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(Image: Electra Aero)

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