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ACI Europe publishes discussion paper on advanced air mobility airspace integration

ACI Europe reports that its Advanced Air Mobility Task Force has been devoting each meeting to a specific topic requiring action in order for airports to capitalise on the opportunities offered by advanced air mobility.

It has prepared a Discussion Paper which expands on its overall AAM Position Paper. The first in this series on the topic of Airspace Integration has now been published.

ACI says the key points identified are:

  • “Harmonised regulations and standards for airspace integration and airspace routes are required, which take eVTOL performance into account.
  • “This will enable strategic separation of AAM traffic from manned traffic at airports and vertiports, putting safety first and ensuring that traditional airport capacity is not sacrificed for AAM.
  • “Harmonised standards, clear responsibilities and clarification are required as to the cost coverage of ATM expenditure relating to integration of AAM into airports’ airspace.”

To download report


(Image: ACI Europe)

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