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Australia’s CASA opens industry consultation on guidelines for vertiport design

The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA)  has announced the start of a consultation period on guidelines for vertiport design.  The consultation period for the draft Advisory Circular 139.V-01 v1.0 starts 30th November and closes 31st March 2023.

In a statement CASA says the “Draft Advisory Circular 139.V-01 v1.0 – Guidelines for vertiport design, is intended to provide guidance and information to people designing and constructing vertiports in support of advanced air mobility (AAM) operations. The guidance may support those who are in the early stages of vertiport development. The draft guidance covers the design specifications for vertiports supporting pilot-on-board VCA flying visual operations only.”

The statement continues: “This draft AC provides guidance on:

  • site selection including downwash protection
  • physical characteristics
  • obstacle limitation surfaces
  • visuals aids including markings, markers and lights.

“This draft AC will be of interest to:

  • vertiport developers and designers
  • potential vertiport owners and operators
  • VTOL-capable aircraft manufacturers
  • potential VTOL-capable aircraft operators and pilots
  • AAM consultants and proponents
  • local and state planning authorities
  • aviation safety regulator staff.”

For more information


(Image: Australian Govt Civil Aviation Safety Authority)

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