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FAA proposes rule change to add powered lift aircraft operators to commercial operating rules

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a proposal to amend the regulatory definitions of certain air carrier and commercial operations to add powered-lift to these definitions “to ensure the appropriate sets of rules apply to air carriers’ and certain commercial operators’ operations of aircraft that FAA regulations define as powered-lift.”

“The FAA also proposes to update certain basic requirements that apply to air carrier oversight, such as the contents of operations specifications and the qualifications applicable to certain management personnel. In addition, this proposed rule would apply the rules for commercial air tours to powered-lift. This proposed rule is an important step in the FAA’s integration of new entrant aircraft in the National Airspace System (NAS).”

As the main text of the proposal outlines:

“To enable air carrier operations with powered-lift, the FAA proposes adding powered-lift to the definitions in § 110.2 of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). This proposed rule 4 would also extend the applicability of certain operating rules to powered-lift, such as the rules that apply to large aircraft operations that are not common carrier operations and rules that apply to commercial air tours. The FAA also proposes to update various provisions within 14 CFR part 119 (Certification: Air Carriers and Commercial Operators) to address air carriers’ operations of powered-lift. This proposed rule would amend certain aircraft-specific provisions in § 119.1, which outline the applicability of and exceptions from part 119. This proposed rule would add sight-seeing flights in gliders to the exclusions from part 119. Furthermore, this proposed rule would amend the qualification requirements for personnel in certain management positions for air carriers, to ensure they have appropriate experience in powered-lift operations. This proposed rule would make various technical amendments to part 119 for clarity and revise reflect current FAA practice pertaining to the information included in operations specifications. In addition, the proposed rule will revise certain recordkeeping requirements.”

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