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Global eVTOL sector is attracting increased interest from professional investors

The rapid growth in the Advanced Air Mobility market and advances in establishing a regulatory framework for the sector is making electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL) an increasingly attractive market for professional investment, according to new global research from Horizon Aircraft.

The company reports that the global study with senior executives at leading investment firms in Japan, the US, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia responsible for more than USD1.8 trillion assets under management found 93% shows professional investors are increasingly interested in the eVTOL sector, which has the potential to revolutionise urban transportation.  Only 4% of those surveyed it says disagreed.

“It is broadly accepted that certification by relevant aviation authorities should be made easier by the fact that eVTOLs that fly most of their time as normal aircraft are safer” according to the press release.  “Around 92% of professional investors said this was an important factor when considering investing in the sector.

“However, the study also shows that the investment community is wary of some aggressive and fast-tracked development timelines that have been set by key players in the industry. Around (82%) of investors agree that some of these ambitious targets don’t properly reflect how long traditional aircraft programs generally take to get to market.

“The versatility of eVTOL aircraft to be used in a variety of transport markets including air passenger taxi services, cargo transportation and military service, is seen as an important reason for supporting the sector by 92% of those surveyed.

“Overall ranking of specific areas for eVTOL use which investors believe will see the biggest growth in the next five years:

  1. “Fire support service
  2. “Air passenger taxis
  3. “Air ambulance
  4. “Cargo transportation
  5. “Military service”

Brandon Robinson, CEO of Horizon Aircraft, said: “Private equity, venture capital and family office investors have been closely monitoring the Future Air Mobility sector for some time.  However, our study affirms that as the sector matures with advances in technology and a clearer path to regulatory approval, professional investors are increasingly seeing the eVTOL sector as not only a financially viable opportunity to invest in, but also a chance to contribute to a transformative shift in how people move around within urban environments.”

For more information


(Image: Horizon Aircraft)


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