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Steadicopter launches civil logistics e-version of its Black Eagle military UAS

By Arie Egozi

Israel’s Steadicopter is negotiating with potential customers sales of its new electrically powered versions of its Black Eagle drone. Two versions, Black Eagle 25E and Black Eagle 50E, are powered by an electric motor. They are designed for a wide range of law enforcement, maritime, civilian, and covert missions. Based on the company’s Black Eagle platform – which has been proven to be operational for military needs, says the company – the new systems now enable high performance and operational flexibility for other security forces, as well as many civilian applications.

Converting Steadicopter’s Black Eagle 50 system to an electric-powered engine has significantly reduced the weight of the air vehicle, enabling additional, much required, payload capacity for a variety of missions, says the company. Weighing only 18 kg as a platform, each model has the capacity to carry additional batteries for longer flights, heavier payloads and more. The Black Eagle 25E is designed for weights of up to 25 kg, making it suitable for tactical-urban missions, while meeting the strictest weight and category regulations.

According to Noam Lidor, Sales & Marketing Director at Steadicopter: “From a wide variety of OPVs to the busiest offshore platforms, the Black Eagle family of products offers a comprehensive solution for highly-demanding maritime applications, such as infrastructure security, exclusive economic zone enforcement, anti-piracy & unauthorized fishing, search & rescue, offshore cargo supply and more. All Black Eagle systems are certified for use in the harshest maritime operating scenarios, according to the IP67 environmental standards.”

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