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Talyn Air’s two-drone cargo transport system aiming for first flights in 2023

Cargo News reports that Los Angeles-based drone and urban air mobility eVTOL manufacturer Talyn Air plans to conduct the inaugural flight of its two-unit commercial cargo drone type after the prototype is complete around Q1 2023.   According to the news outlet, Talyn is working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and awaiting clearer regulatory guidance to certify the new drone type.

The Talyn Air drone cargo concept is very different from most other cargo drone designs.

According to the company, the design uses two vehicles with the Lift vehicle carrying the Cruise vehicle vertically to altitude. By using an external vehicle for take-off, the flight vehicle reaches cruising altitude with 100% battery. “With an aerodynamic and efficient airframe, the next generation of Talyn Cruise vehicles will be capable of transporting up to 1000-lb payloads more than 300 miles at over 200 mph, a true regional solution. After pairing up with another Lift vehicle, the two vehicles make a gentle landing on any helipad sized platform. The cargo arrives at its destination instead of requiring trucks, vans, or other secondary vehicles to complete the journey,” says the company website.

In December 2021 the company reported it had successfully demonstrated in-flight deployment, a major milestone towards proving its concept for runway-free operations for the U.S. Air Force as part of a two-year USD1 million Direct to Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract through AFWERX to enhance battlefield logistics.

For more information


Talyn plans first flight of cargo drone early next year

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