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Aalborg, Denmark, next in line for Everdrone’s defibrillator drone delivery system

Everdrone announced in a press release today that having established defibrillator drone delivery  services in several areas in Sweden, the company had “now moved to supply its part of the lifesaving chain in Denmark. After securing the necessary permits, a hangar is now in place and the operation is now underway in the city of Aalborg.”

“The Aalborg project will let us know whether the use of drones is a way forward on a bigger scale in Denmark. ‘Is it an optimal technical solution?’, ‘How many minutes before the ambulance can we deliver a defibrillator?’ These are a few of the questions we’re looking to answer on a smaller scale, before deciding on whether we can scale up”, says Louise Kollander, anaesthesiologist, and researcher at Region Hovedstadens Akutberedskab.

Together with the Copenhagen Emergency Medical Services, Everdrone reports that it had started working on feasible locations some two years ago and that once Aalborg was decided upon as a location, the project has been developed and fine-tuned together with Region Nordjylland in order to cover the 110,000 inhabitants of the region.

“We’re proud and happy to have Everdrone’s first project outside of Sweden fully operational”, says Daniel Blecher, Head of Customer Operations at Everdrone AB. “This marks the 7th active system to date and will allow us to reach a total of 340,000 people in both Sweden and Denmark.”

For more information


(Image: Everdrone)

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