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Japan releases official version of domestic Vertiport guidelines, supports AAM development

According to the document, the guidelines provide provisional guidance presenting the basic concepts and point to consider in developing vertiport facilities for the time being until the national standards are established. They do not have binding power over business operator or other stakeholders. They will be revised as appropriate depending on future trends in the international situation and progress in the technological development of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM).

According to the JCAB, the guidelines are designed to provide guidance on the size, shape, configuration, strength and other parameters that each facility should meet along with the basic principles including the thinking behind determining such parameters and points to consider.

Full standardization and framework for facility development is due to be released from 2028, prompting industry observers to question whether ports built before then will be required to upgrade to the new standards at that time. Categorization of vertiport by intended aircraft size as opposed to categorization by use case of facility may also impact construction, with facility owners look to maximize site value by integrating additional services in the future.

Nevertheless, observers welcome the emphasis economics, scalability and eco services provided by the terminal or supporting site facilities from the outset. Also the list of clear documentation related to minimal safety system requirements, emergency response systems and more is well received.

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