Chinese eVTOL manufacturer TCab Tech has announced the first flight of its E20 eVTOL at Hengdian General Airport.
“The E20 eVTOL took only four months from the assembly line to the first round of test flight(s),” said the company in a press release. “….The E20eVTOL is equipped with six ENGINeUS™ smart motors from Safran Electrical & Power to provide continuous and reliable power for the aircraft, as well as power cables and avionics harnesses from Safran to form a network for energy transmission and signal transmission between equipment.
“ The successful first flight of the TCab E20 eVTOL is an important milestone for urban air mobility in China and we are delighted to be a part of it, which will also further strengthen Safran Group’s market position in China’s electric vertical takeoff and landing sector”, Safran Electrical & Power Thierry Sieg, the company’s vice president of sales and marketing, said.
“The E20 eVTOL is expected to become the first domestic tilt-rotor manned electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft to obtain standard airworthiness certification, and has always attracted industry attention. Huang Yongwei, founder and CEO of Time Technology, said that completing the first round of flight tests is just a new progress and starting point, and the technical team will start regular flight tests. The company will also continue to increase investment in research and development and promote the research and development and certification of E20 eVTOL at full speed.”
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