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“Regional/rural air mobility can connect disconnected rural communities” – UK industry report

“Regional/Rural Air Mobility, or RAM, can improve the regional connectivity of the UK, provide green, sustainable travel, and further encourage investment in aerospace technology and investment in energy infrastructure across the country,” according to a new report from the UK trade association ADS’ Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Special Interest Group  ‘Regional and Rural Air Mobility – Thinking Outside the Urban Box’

“By offering greater connectivity options than ever before on routes where road or rail travel is either expensive, lengthy or unviable, RAM can have significant benefits for populations in communities that may at present feel disconnected. With electric and/or hydrogen technology likely to power these flights, this connectivity can be completely sustainable, too.

“As the AAM industry continues to grow, and moves towards delivery and entry-into-service of the earliest vehicles, ADS’ members are playing an important role in this space across the ecosystem, from operations, manufacturing and maintenance, to the provision of infrastructure and cyber and digital services.

(Image: Shutterstock)

For more information

The promise and potential of Rural and Regional Air Mobility

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