The US Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Mobility and Training Aircraft Directorate’s Heavy Airlift Division, Mobility Flex Procurement (AFLCMC/WLMK) is conducting market research regarding the current operational utility cost-benefit for eVTOL aircraft that are available or anticipated to be available for fielding no later than 2025.
According to a request for information published in the US government’s ww.sam.gov tender website (https://sam.gov/opp/92b43367167f413d86f438851cfaeac0/view):
“The U.S. Government is evaluating a business case for eVTOL aircraft as it compares to vehicles currently in the DoD inventory. The U.S. Government is exploring multiple aspects of cost and methods to obtain runway independent personnel transport capability which may include but are not limited to system purchase, lease and/or obtaining capability as a service. A significant portion of expense for legacy vehicles is captured in Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs and the U.S. Government does not have interest in pursuing vehicles with higher O&M costs than legacy or conventional rotary wing assets. The U.S. Government desires to collect cost information and basic associated capability metrics to use for comparison with other available air transportation assets. The U.S. Government is interested in supporting and accelerating the implementation of eVTOL operations for a variety of reasons, primarily as an introduction to potential future military operations and as such is exploring providing incentives to align operations to enable dual use operations as described herein.
“The U.S. Government is interested in exploring the business case using eVTOL aircraft for Distinguished Visitor (DV) transport and test and training range logistics support missions by supplementing current DoD capabilities in each of those mission areas.
“It is likely that the DV transport mission is a closely aligned military mission to the commercial design intent of these vehicles, and as such will provide a mutually beneficial early use case for the military and commercial industry.
“The Air Force currently operates DV transport missions in multiple locations around the world. The U.S. Government is interested in exploring commercial interest in aligning initial commercial operating locations with these Air Force squadrons which would enable U.S. Government use of eVTOL for DV transport missions while allowing commercial use of the vehicle otherwise.”
Contracting organisation: US Department of Defense
Tender Number: FA8614-RFI-23-0001
Deadline: 4 November 2022
(Image: Shutterstock)