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Draganfly drones partner with Enderby Entertainment to re-open Hollywood

Canadian drone Company Draganfly has announced it is working alongside Enderby Entertainment to speed up the re-opening of Hollywood amid the COVID-19 outbreak by using its Safe Set Solutions, ground-based technology, reports dronedj.com.

Draganfly has developed a Coronavirus safe solution with its Safe Set application. The Company’s drones use a series of sensors to detect body temperature upon entry into a building and ensures the employees on the film set are social distancing in accordance with health advice. The system does not collect any personal data or use facial recognition software.

Enderby Entertainment, who will be distributing the system, has already planned to purchase and implement the Safe Set system into upcoming productions, Firewatch and Legacy. While the system will currently only be used in Hollywood, it is likely this could be deployed into other areas around the country shortly such as airports, schools, and shopping malls.

Rick Dugdale, President and CEO of Enderby Entertainment said, “With crews eager to get back to work, we are focused on employing the best resources on our sets to ensure the safest possible environment.” He continued, “Draganfly’s technology offers a solution by allowing cast and crew back on set while giving them the peace of mind that we are adhering to CDC and other health organisation guidelines.”

For more information  


Read second half of this Urban Air Mobility News feature (from May)


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