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AAM Institute and ANCI Toscana Italian local authorities sign AAM partnership

The Advanced Air Mobility Institute and National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI Toscana) have officially entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on the development and promotion of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) in Italy, particularly the Tuscany region, through the implementation of joint projects involving local governments, businesses, universities, research centres and civil society.

“The Parties undertake to carry out a generous list of activities as part of their union, some of which include the exchange of best practices and information gathered in benefit of AAM to the local territory and mobility” according to the press release. “Educational events and online training directives are planned to be a source in which to raise awareness in order to reach and target various stakeholders, as well as the general public.

“ANCI Toscana, the association representing the municipalities of Tuscany, has been at the forefront of promoting local development, democratic participation, and the quality of public services with a strong emphasis on innovation and environmental sustainability.”

“With this protocol, by combining the technical expertise and ecosystem of experts with which AAM Institute is in contact with the network of local relations and the representation of ANCI Toscana, it will be possible to organise initiatives to inform, raise awareness and stimulate cooperation between public bodies, companies and start-ups in the AAM sector to facilitate the emergence of projects that favour inter-modality, in accordance with the regulations in force and the needs of local communities,” ANCI Toscana Director, Simone Gheri, stated.

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(Image: Shutterstock)

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