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COVID-19: Unemployed pilots change flight course to become drone operators

A business in U.S. Hartford, Connecticut is training unemployed pilots brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic to fly drones and bring in a new income source and potential future career, reports dronedj.com. The new program is called ‘Flight to the Future’.

This education course has been started by Aquiline Drones founder and CEO, Barry Alexander, and is open to anyone who is 18 years or over. The program costs less than USD1,000 and will be launched in September using an online curriculum that covers all aspects of drones to create a business within the industry.

Due to the pandemic, a large number of pilots are now unemployed with more expected to be laid off in the near future. For example, major airlines hired 4,977 pilots in 2019 compared to only 1,955 in 2020 to date.

The program has two options: one for pilots which costs USD799 and another for non-pilots that will set you back USD999. The course is around six weeks in length. The non-pilot program costs more as further training and certifications are required in comparison to pilots who already have an extensive amount of training from flying manned aircraft.

If you are interested in a career in drones, pilots and non-pilots can sign up for the program via the link below.

 For more information


To watch a video about the course click below (bottom of page)


(News Source: https://dronedj.com)

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