The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published the Second Issue of the Special Condition for vertical take-off and landing capable aircraft.
According to EASA:
“This new issue provides additional flexibility (e.g. increase of the ‘Maximum Certified Take-off Weight’) and better alignment with recently approved regulations (e.g. Commission Implementing Regulation 2024/1111) and means of compliance (MOCs) already publicly consulted.
“An MOC associated with the new high-level performance-based requirement VTOL.2517 addressing ‘Electrical Wiring Interconnecting Systems’ will soon be subject to public consultation, along with an update of the current MOC VTOL.2555 for ‘Recorders’.
“In addition, a further revision of the Special Condition is planned in the short term to implement further alignments between the European Union Aviation Safety Agency and the US Federal Aviation Administration.
“Due to the nature and content of the changes introduced in this Revision, and the public consultations already performed and planned, this Second Issue of the Special Condition is not subject to public consultation.”
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