EUROCAE is launching a call to industry to determine interested parties to lead an activity in WG-112 SG-9, which aims to propose guidance for VTOL certification specificities for electromagnetic hazards, considering Urban Air Mobility operations. According to the European standards body:
“The purpose of the task (which is yet to be approved) is to undertake a gap analysis of existing materials and develop guidance to address eVTOL specificities. The proposed title for the EUROCAE Report is ‘Additional Considerations for Electromagnetic Hazard Compliance for eVTOL and Urban Air Mobility Operations’. The need for this activity was identified following collaboration calls with experts from EUROCAE WG-31, who explained that the current framework of standards may not provide enough detail to address the particular aircraft configurations for eVTOL or their intended urban operating environment.
“To lead this activity, expertise is required in the field of electromagnetic threats to aircraft. Once the SG lead has been determined, the activity will be approved by the Steering Committee, after which a kickoff meeting will be held. The date and time for the kickoff meeting will be announced by email. If your company is interested in leading this activity, please complete the registration form by 24 June 2022.”
For additional information, please contact Abinaya Kannan, Technical Programme Manager