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Korean Institute of Aviation Safety and EUROCAE collaborate on eVTOL safety standards

In view of the successful collaboration between EUROCAE and Standard R&D Center of Sejong University, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between EUROCAE and the Korean Institute of Aviation Safety Technology (KIAST) on 10 November 2022. EUROCAE and KIAST agreed on ways to enhance collaboration among these two organisations to support further development of standardisation activities in aviation. The MoU establishes a framework for cooperation through which the organisations will exchange information, share best practices, and participate in each other’s activities. It also intends to increase visibility of EUROCAE standardisation activities in South Korea, especially in the domains of UAS and VTOL.

EUROCAE Director General, Anna von Groote, said, “KIAST has been an active EUROCAE member since the establishment of the VTOL Working Group and we are glad to have signed this MoU with them. Developing domains such as UAS and VTOL require inputs from stakeholders across the world, and we are elated to welcome South Korean stakeholders in EUROCAE and to support the aviation community with relevant, globally applicable standards.”

Strengthening cooperation with other regions of the world is one of EUROCAE’s key objectives, as it supports the development of internationally recognised standards, for which inputs from concerned stakeholders worldwide is required.

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