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Covid-19: Alphabet’s drone delivery service Wing expands to further Brisbane suburbs bringing coffee and groceries to doorsteps

Brisbane’s south eastern city of Logan in Queensland is the latest Australian region to experience drone deliveries during the country’s present Covid-19 pandemic, reports 9news.com.au. Alphabet’s drone delivery service Wing has now officially launched there, proving how effective their sky transportation can be, particularly when the public remain concerned about their health safety.

Wing has already “taken off” in the suburbs of Marsden and Crestmead after the virus sparked a surge in demand for the new contactless service. Crestmead grocer Baz Rizk is selling bread and even hot chickens to his customers via the facility. He told 9News, “Within five to 10 minutes the items can be on your doorstep.”

A Slacks Creek Extraction Artisan Coffee outlet has also teamed up with the unmanned craft service. Owner Alex Milosevic has set-up a coffee machine at the drone station that can make coffees to order and which can be delivered within just several minutes to a customer’s home. He explains, “The drones are very stable when they fly so there is no spillage.”

Previously, there were only two regions in Brisbane, Crestmead and Marsden, that gained this service, but Wing told 9News that after Logan, it is planning to expand to others by the end of the year. The City’s Council Deputy Mayor, Jon Raven, commented, “There was an increasing call from Logan residents for this drone service, so we are delighted that Wing has chosen the area.”

Raven continued, “I know other suburbs are dying for it and I have put my hat in the ring for Waterford West, but I don’t know if I have any more influence than anyone else.” Meanwhile, the contactless COVID-19 safe service is receiving thousands of orders a month.

Milosevic says, “We’ve got so many customers now saying, when’s it coming, when’s it coming? Look I’m chomping at the bit!” The drones can carry items of up to 1.5kg including anything from pharmaceuticals and hardware to food and coffee.

Wing is also looking to team-up with Fed-Ex to deliver mail.

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(News Source: https://www.9news.com.au)

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