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COVID-19: Australia beaches to be patrolled by drones all summer to ensure social distancing with BIG fines for lawbreakers

Drones are being deployed to monitor social distancing and crowd numbers at some of New South Wales most popular beaches during their summer, reports dailymailaustralia.com.

Hefty new fines have been announced for gatherings of over 20 people in NSW with each person who breaks the law being fined up to AUD1,000. Previously, only the organiser of a get-together was liable to receive a fine.

Surf Life Saving NSW President George Shales said he hopes beachgoers respect the measures, “particularly regarding social distancing requirements”. Yet, despite drones circling the busiest NSW shorelines, Director of Lifesaving, Joel Wiseman, said it isn’t the job of lifeguards to actively police such rules.

He explained, “Life savers are not there to police the public, that is not our job, but if we have any suspicions or concerns around the numbers at beach gatherings, we will obviously notify NSW Police.” The changes, which came into effect last week, aim to ensure the safety of the community ahead of the expected increase in gatherings associated with Christmas and end-of-year festivities.

Operation Coronavirus Commander, Assistant Commissioner Tony Crandell, said on Monday it’s only natural that as the weather warms up, people will be more likely to gather. He commented, “These amendments aim to ensure that an increase in expected gatherings doesn’t mean an increase in COVID-19 cases.”

Yet, NSW has recorded just one new locally acquired COVID-19 case in recent weeks, but health authorities are warning there is no room for complacency amid lower testing rates and with school holidays due soon. Australia has become renowned for its draconian COVID-19 measures as this recent UAMN article portrays.


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(News Source: dailymailaustralia.com)

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