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German government signs cooperative UAM agreement with cities and regions

According to Hamburg Aviation: Andreas Scheuer, Federal Minister for Transport and Digital Infrastructure, signed a memorandum on June 28, 2021 for cooperation with the four German Urban Air Mobility model cities and regions of Aachen, Ingolstadt, Hamburg and North Hesse.

According to Federal Minister Andreas Scheuer, quoted on the June 28 Hamburg Aviation website: “Today we are starting a new innovation network for the use of drones in Germany. Aachen, Ingolstadt, Hamburg and North Hesse are pioneering regions for the new air mobility. In the future, we will work even more closely together to bring drone innovations into practice. The know-how ‘Made in Germany’ is there. We want to use that even more. To do this, we bring everyone together: the drone community, start-ups, research, cities and municipalities. The goal: to make Germany the lead market for drone innovations. We also take the citizens with us and show them how drones can make life easier. ”

Senator for Economy and Innovation Michael Westhagemann said: “Hamburg has been a model region for Urban Air Mobility since 2018 and shows with projects such as Medifly, the medical goods transport via drone, or UDVeo, which is dedicated to the efficient organization of drone traffic, where the journey in the urban sky is going goes. The range of possible applications requires a high degree of flexibility in the future thinking of mobility, industry, but also the constant examination of the question of how we want to live as a society in the future and at which point drone innovations can really make sense and take effect sustainably. Social acceptance comes first. To face these challenges together, with the federal government and with the other German regions where the future is already flying,

With a Memorandum of Understanding, the Urban Air Mobility model cities and regions Aachen, Hamburg, Ingolstadt and North Hesse agree to work even more closely with the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in order to put the innovative drone technology into practice, says the press release. “Fundamental questions are to be solved within the framework of the innovation network. The goal: to make Germany the lead market for urban air mobility, for example through:

  • Infrastructure construction and reconstruction: The network wants to develop technical and legal solutions, for example for Vertiports or the charging and communication infrastructure. These can help cities and municipalities as blueprints for building the infrastructure.
  • Airspace integration: The network wants to create real laboratories and test fields for setting up U-Spaces.
  • Best practice examples: The network wants to create joint drone and air taxi projects that provide municipalities and rescue services with new impulses and insights into their possible uses. The innovation network will bring the drone community, science, business and administration together in its own conferences, workshops and network events. The aim is to exchange ideas, learn from each other and then put the knowledge into practice.
  • Social acceptance: Citizens should be better educated, informed and taken along about developments in urban air mobility, for example through dialogue events and best practices.

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