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Brazil’s XMobots wins certification from ANAC for 30km BVLOS drone operations

Brazil’s XMobots reports it has received the first authorization by the Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil – National Agency of Civil Aviation (ANAC) for beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) flights up to 30 kilometres range and/or above 400ft above ground level (AGL) with its Echar 20D drone. According to a press statement, XMobots had already been the first company in Brazil to receive authorization from ANAC for flights above 400ft, issued for the RPA Arator 5B in 2018.

“This project approval represents a milestone since it allows long range missions attending security standards and applicable requirements of airworthiness to BVLOS operations that surpasses boundaries of the 5-kilometers-BVLOS ones, extending the range to 30km”, said Décio Gomes, Certification Coordinator at XMobots.

“This process prepares the company to get the international scenery, prepares Brazil to publicize, to incentivise the national industry and ourselves to include these topics that are bilateral to the acceptance of Brazilian aircraft,” said Roberto Honorato, Superintendent of Airworthiness at ANAC.

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(Image: XMobots: Giovani Amianti (CEO) and XMobot´s certification team pose with Echar 20D in virtual ceremony of authorization of drone for BVLOS operation)

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