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Doosan Mobility Innovation “advances into overseas drone market”

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South Korean company, Doosan Mobility Innovation (DMI), a producer of portable fuel cell power packs for drones, stated last week it is “to make inroads overseas to expand its presence in the power cable-checking system,” reports koreabizwire.com. DMI have signed a preliminary deal with the Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI), a R&D subsidiary of the state-run Korea Electric Power Corp. (KEPCO).

Under the deal, both parties will share their patent technologies and sales networks, and KEPRI’s automated power cable checking system will be applied to DMI’s hydrogen fuel cell-powered drones, which are capable of flying for more than two hours.

More recently, drones have been deployed, instead of humans, to check power cables, but the drones’ short battery life, which is no-more than 30 minutes, has been cited as a major hurdle by the industry. DMIs hydrogen fuel cells will enable such drones to work far longer in the field.

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(News Source: http://koreabizwire.com)


(A hydrogen fuel cell powered drone built by Doosan Mobility Innovation is displayed at CHFE 2020, a recent expo held in Foshan, China)

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