United Arab Emirates company Edge is featuring its Air Truck logistical UAS at the IDEX 2023 show in Abu Dhabi.
According to the company: the “Air Truck is a powerful logistics UAV with a 500kg payload capacity that can operate via pre-programmed mission or live operator, making it ideal for higher-risk or more dangerous missions. Suitable for military, security and civilian deployment, cargo is transported via a custom-designed Air Box that ensures rapid cargo loading and unloading.
“With a a maximum range of 360km at a cruising speed of 120 km/h, Air Truck is designed for strategic logistics support such as supplying troops in remote locations, medical evacuation, and reconnaissance.”
Also on display from Edge is the QX6-50, developed for logistics purposes for military and civilian applications. “Capable of carrying a 50kg payload for up to 200km, the rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle can operate autonomously and is highly modular with other QX variants for ease of maintenance.”
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