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“Airspace integration a key short term AAM challenge” – new CAAM study

The Canadian Advanced Air Mobility Consortium (CAAM) has produced with Orbit Management Services  a short synopsis of Orbit’s Advanced Air Mobility Risk Report 2023.

“Here are some of the key findings:

  • “Short-term challenges: Airspace integration, regulatory fragmentation, certification concerns, regulatory delays, and safety issues.
  • “Long-term challenges: Fierce competition, ecosystem dependencies, policy ambiguity, certification concerns, and regulatory delays.

“But the future outlook is optimistic…

  • “Passenger applications, logistics, and enterprise all have unique outlooks, with varying levels of optimism.
  • “Experts believe that within 10 years, AAM logistics and enterprise applications will revolutionize multiple industries.“The AAM industry is at the intersection of technology, society, economics, environment, regulation, and politics. The challenges are diverse, but the potential is boundless!”

Dr. Erik L. and the Orbit Management Services team conducted the AAM report, interviewing over 150 industry experts and executives to uncover the key challenges facing the AAM industry in both the short-term (2025) and long-term (2033).

For more information

https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7115021674328023040/?msgControlName=view_message_button&msgConversationId=2-MmRkMGFmNGItYTA0Zi00NGQ2LTk2NTgtOWEzY2Q3OTQ1N2MyXzAxMg%3D%3D&msgOverlay=true (CAAM / Orbit synopsis)

https://lnkd.in/e2yAbazp (to download full report)

(Image: CAAM)

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