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South Korea: Hydrogen drone delivers emergency packs to Mount Halla

A hydrogen-powered drone delivered emergency relief supplies to Mount Halla as part of a flight trial this week in South Korea, the provincial government of Jeju Island announced yesterday, reports koreabizwire.com.

The government of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province in partnership with the multinational conglomerate company, the Doosan Group, have launched a project to introduce hydrogen fuel cell drones capable of longer flights and overcoming the limitations of other unmanned craft.

The new hydrogen-powered drone delivered emergency supplies to a shelter in Mount Halla, located at an altitude of 1,500 meters in just 15 minutes. The drone also performed safety monitoring of natural gas pipelines by flying 44 kilometres from Aewol-eup to Seogwipo city in a 90-minute flight to inspect the excavation work of natural gas landfills in real-time.

 An increasing number of climbing accidents at the mountain prompted provincial government to work with the Jeju Fire Agency to utilise drones to deliver emergency supplies to accident sites more quickly.

Mount Halla is part of the Hallasan shield volcano on Jeju Island and is the highest mountain in South Korea. The area around the mountain is designated as the Hallasan National Park.

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(News Source: http://koreabizwire.com)

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