“City leaders have a great opportunity to ensure that emerging advanced aerial mobility technologies are implemented in ways that work for cities and their communities rather than the other way around,” said David Hyde, Lead, Aerospace, World Economic Forum. “By taking a proactive approach to advanced aerial mobility technologies before they are fully rolled out, leaders can ensure that AAM avoids the issues we see with other forms of transportation today, such as inefficiency, congestion, noise disturbance and inequity.”
According to a WEF press statement:
“By bringing together cities and regions at the forefront of this revolution, the World Economic Forum’s Advanced and Urban Aerial Mobility Cities and Regions Coalitions will collaborate and share expertise to develop a range of solutions that other cities and regions can adopt based on their own circumstances.
“Founding city and region members include: – Amsterdam – Massachusetts – Orlando – Los Angeles – Île-de-France (Paris region)- Sao Paulo The coalition will build on work that has taken place in Europe under the Urban-Air-Mobility Initiative Cities Community (UIC2) of the European Union’s Smart Cities Marketplace. UIC2 will also join as a founding member and European arm of the coalition representing 37 cities and regions.”
For more information
(Image: Amsterdam – Shutterstock)