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Clean Aviation JU announces EUR700 million plus in research funding

The Governing Board (GB) of Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking (CAJU) has approved funding of over EUR 700 million for 20 projects researching innovative solutions to power the next generation of sustainable aircraft and to support EU Green Deal ambitions for a climate-neutral future (see image above).

According to a joint undertaking press statement:

“The 20 successful projects cover 14 topics elaborated from the “Clean Aviation Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)” built around 3 thrusts:

  • Hydrogen-powered aircraft
  • Hybrid Electric Regional aircraft
  • Ultra-Efficient Short and Medium Range aircraft

“Swift adoption of these technologies from 2035 will enable the biggest step-change reduction in aviation’s climate impact by 2050, together with the accelerated adoption of low or zero-carbon energy sources and fuels e.g. clean hydrogen and/or sustainable aviation fuels. The budget of over EUR 700 million has been allocated following a Call for Proposals closed in June and careful evaluation of the submitted proposals by independent experts. The official launch of projects is still subject to legal redress and to successful completion of grant preparation which will start in the coming days, targeted to be completed by the end of 2022.

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