Embraer, ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics), and FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) have announced the approval of a joint investment of R$ 48 million in an Engineering Research Center (ERC) for the future of air mobility over the next five years.
In a press release the institutions say “This unprecedented research in Brazil will gather representatives of the scientific community and professionals of the aeronautical industry in activities that are based on three pillars: low carbon aviation, autonomous systems and advanced manufacturing. The initiative creates a favourable environment for knowledge dissemination, highly qualified human resources training and production of high-impact scientific publications.”
“Over the last few months,” the press release reports “the institutions have described the research and the main activities scope to materialize this partnership, which proposed innovative technological solutions that will maximize the competitiveness in the global innovation ecosystem,” and continues “Partnerships such as the ERC guide and enable the conditions for the technology’s transfer among industry players, stakeholders and the third sector, and strengthen connections and innovations through partnership models and intellectual property management. These partnerships also generate new business incubation and stimulation of entrepreneurial activity in which the research results are applied.”
For more information
(Image: Embraer)