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JARUS issues SORA for BVLOS drone flights over sparsely populated areas

The Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) has announced the publication of the first Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) Standard Scenario for Aerial Work Operations (STS-01) on the JARUS Website at http://jarus-rpas.org/publications.

This Standard Scenario (STS) is intended to cover UAS operations performed in the Specific category (category B) with the following main attributes:

  • over sparsely populated areas
  • in uncontrolled airspace
  • at very low levels
  • BVLOS with visual air risk mitigation
  • using unmanned aircraft up to 3M dimension (wingspan or rotor diameter).

The Standard Scenario STS-01 is based on real life experience. It is meant to facilitate any operation within its scope. JARUS Working Group 6 (Safety and Risk Management) has consolidated this new JARUS deliverable taking into account the JARUS Internal and External consultation process with contributions from experts from all over the world.

STS-01 is additional deliverable complementing the SORA package 2.0, which can be downloaded at http://jarus-rpas.org/publications.

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