According to a social media post from Pawel Korzec, Co-founder and CEO at DroneRadar: “In connection with Article 15 of the European Union Regulation 947, we are witnessing the creation of new competences among representatives of local administration.
“Who should have more competences in definition and maintenance of Geozones in U-space? ANSP or local authorities? Since, with the exception of landing, take-offs and emergency situations, the minimum VFR flight height is 150m (in “bigger” cities 300m) and U-space generally has an upper limit of 120m AGL, who should create these airspace structures? It seems to me that the responsibility for the Geozones in U-space should be on Local Administration (LAU) side.
“A number of analyses carried out by us clearly indicate that the diagnosis of GRC will be mostly responsibility of public administration. So, it looks like the Local Administration Units (LAU) will get new competences. Therefore, it is very important that the newly created Geozones are adequate to the needs, properly protect the interests of the population while ensuring freedom of access to the airspace.
“Until now, most, if not all, airspace structures in terms of their time-limited horizontal and vertical dimensions have been developed by ANSP to the needs of those in need. Depending on the duration of the restrictions, the aeronautical information (AIM) was published in various publications (AIP, NOTAM, AUP / UUP). Some, longer lasting ones, required approval by the National Body.
“What about Geozones? Who has more competences in their creation? ANSP or local authorities? Since, with the exception of landing, take-offs and emergency situations, the minimum VFR flight height is 150m (and in “bigger” cities in general 300m) and U-space generally has an upper limit of 120m AGL, who should create these structures?
“Thanks, the Metropolia GZM, we had the opportunity to meet representatives of the local administration – chiefs, surveyors, representatives of environmental protection services, representatives of communes and poviats. During the whole day of exercises with nearly 30 people – on examples – we created several Geozones, in accordance with the ED-269 document. We made an initial risk analysis of these airspaces and defined the rules for their creation.
“In the next step, we plan to introduce Geozones to the GREY platform and undertake their bulk production on this basis.”