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Australia’s CASA publishes vertiport design guide to support initial planning

The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has published a “Guide to vertiport design” which it says it has developed to assist in the initial planning and design of vertiports intended for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capable aircraft.

“The guide provides easy to understand explanations and examples to compliment CASA’s advisory circular AC 139.V-01 Guidance for vertiport design” according to the website.

“We have designed this guide primarily for:

  • “people and organisations involved in the design, construction and operation of vertiports
  • “planning authorities
  • “aerodrome operators
  • “VTOL-capable aircraft operators and manufacturers.

“We encourage feedback, including whether the guide provides:

  • “information in simple, easy-to-read, and understandable language
  • “a logical structure and format to the information.

“As the industry evolves, new guidance will be produced, and current guidance will be updated.”

For more information



(Image: CASA)

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