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Xwing and Daedalean join forces to advance AI in aviation

Xwing, a supplier of modular autonomy technology for aviation, and Daedalean, a developer of safety-critical and certifiable Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for situational awareness and flight control, yesterday announced a formal collaboration to share data, knowledge, and processes in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence to accelerate time-to-market and enhance safety.

Xwing and Daedalean said they are working closely with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation and Safety Agency (EASA) to certify their software. “No machine learning (ML) based safety-critical applications have made their way into the cockpit of civil aviation so far – this requires a paradigm shift in how software and hardware have traditionally been assessed and certified as safe” according to the press release. “Aviation regulators have been working on how machine learning fits into their design assurance processes and how to adjust the respective standards. Both companies believe that forming a consensus on their assurance approaches and sharing information is the best way to advance the development of certification standards that will allow an increase in safety more effectively than if they worked separately.

“While Daedalean and Xwing have independently developed frameworks for the certification of AI-based systems, both companies agree that higher levels of safety can be achieved on a shorter timeline by sharing knowledge and relevant flight data so that all stakeholders – industry, regulators, and the public – can make significant progress on the path to certifying AI systems.”

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(Image: Xwing)


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