
Kookiejar to integrate Airqual incident management system into its vertiports

Kookiejar of Sweden and Airqual Technologies have signed an agreement to develop an emergency and dispatching system for the Kookiejar Vertiport Operations Management Centre. Autonomous operations can only be achieved with a state-of-the-art system to manage events and dispatch resources, […]

UAM infrastructure

Ferrovial Airports and Eve Air Mobility to cooperate on UTM, vertiport integration

Ferrovial Airports and Eve Air Mobility have agreed to partner “to jointly develop the safe and reliable operation of vertiports and eVTOLs. According to Kevin Cox, Chief Executive Officer, Ferrovial Vertiports. “Ensuring that we are utilizing an […]


“More work required on integrating ground and air risks” – UAE/Swedish UAM workshop

Integrating the ground and air risks remains a key challenge for eVTOL infrastructure planners, according to a recent workshop involving the GCAA, DANS and Dubai Municipality, arranged by the Universities of Linköping and Sharjah and Swedish air navigation service […]