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Drone Delivery Canada to start flight tests of 25lb payload Robin XL

Drone Delivery Canada (DDC) will begin testing its new Robin XL. This drone is larger and more powerful than the company’s present sparrow UAV, boasting an electric power plant, a lifting capability of 25lbs, a travel range of 60km and is designed for harsher climates including heavier wind capability and colder temperatures.

According to the company’s press release, Paul Di Benedetto, CTO at DDC, said: “Our engineering team have been working to develop the Robin to satisfy our various business partners and clients commercial requirements.”

The Robin XL will also feature an option to have automatic cargo deployment, therefore no longer requiring a handler upon arrival.  With this automated payload release option, the Robin can automatically discharge the cargo at its pre-defined drop off location and return to its originating point.

The Robin will begin commercial testing in Southern Ontario and the company looks to announce commercial routes as early as Q2, 2020.

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