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Update: DDC announces latest news on Beausoleil and Georgina island projects

Drone Delivery Canada (DDC) announced this week that both the Beausoleil First Nation project (BFN) and Georgina Island First Nation project (GIFN) are now operational, reports a company press release.

The Covid-19 related projects use the company’s Sparrow drone delivery solution, which avoids human contact compared to the island communities’ ferry services. The drone transports PPEs, hygiene and test kits, test swabs, etc. as an alternative delivery method.

BFN is an agreement between DDC and GlobalMedic (The David McAntony Gibson Foundation), a global humanitarian aid organisation, and is majority financed by the OEC Group (Canada), a leading global logistics provider servicing clients in all major industries including aerospace, healthcare, global retail, automotive and manufacturing.  GIFN is a contract directly between DDC and GIFN.

Michael Zahra, President & CEO of DDC, commented, “BFN has been flying for a few weeks, and GIFN began recently.  We are pleased to see both projects operational and look forward to seeing the benefits our solution can bring to these Indigenous communities.” Adding, “Difficult to access locations, time critical deliveries and limiting person-to-person contact are ideal for drone logistics.”

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