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SMG releases updated AAM Infrastructure Readiness and AAM Reality indexes

SMG today published the February 2023 “AAM  Infrastructure Readiness Index” and the “Advanced Air Mobility Reality Index”.

Both indexes show changes and updates to the 2022 report which are highlighted on the company’s website.

AAM Infrastructure Readiness Index changes include:

  • Two new vertiport companies have been added to the index:  Kookiejar, SkyScape
  • Two ratings have been updated – with details on what elements of the AIR Index led to the change in rating:   BlueNest [5.8 from 5.2]: deployment  /  Skyway [4.7 from 4.5]: regulations
  • The funding for the following vertiport companies have been updated:   Urban-Air Port: $38.1 million from $12.0 (Series A)  /  Skyway: $1.5 million from $1.1 (capital raise)
  • OEM Partners for the following vertiport companies: Skyway: Eve Holding, Traverse Aero
  • EIS Cities for the following vertiport companies:  BlueNest: Qatar replaces Coast of Spain  /   Skyway: Costa Rica

Advanced Air Mobility Reality Index changes include:

  • Five ratings changes – with details on what elements of the AAM Reality Index led to the change in rating for:  Volocopter [8.6 from 8.0]: certification progress, production readiness  /  Archer [8.1 from 7.8]: certification progress  /  Lilium [6.8 from 7.8]: funding  /  AutoFlight [6.1 from 5.8]: production readiness  /  Volkswagen [3.6 from 3.4]: technology readiness
  • The funding for the following OEMs have been updated:   Ehang: $142.0 million from $132.0 (Qingdao West Coast New Area)  /  REGENT: $45.0 million from $27.0 (Japan Airlines Innovation Fund)  /  Dufour Aerospace: undisclosed from $11.0 (Series B)  /  Electra: $134.0 million from $49.0 (private investments, government funding, and matching Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding)
  • Use cases for the following OEMs:  Jaunt Air Mobility: Air Taxi, Cargo from Air Taxi
  • First Flight and EIS dates have been updated:  First Flight: Elroy Air, Airbus, AutoFlight, REGENT, eAviation (Textron), Electra, Jaunt Air Mobility, Lilium, Volkswagen
  • All four infographics have been updated:   AAM FUNDING: Dufour Aerospace, Ehang, Electra, REGENT  /  RACE TO EIS: Airbus, Elroy Air, Pipistrel (Textron) and probability of making EIS for Alaka’i Technologies, Beta Technologies, Lilium, REGENT, SkyDrive, Vertical Aerospace   /    AAM ORDERS: Elroy Air, Eviation, Pipistrel (Textron), Vertical Aerospace  /  AAM REALITY INDEX HISTORY .

For more information


(Image: SMG)



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