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‘Transporting people in eVTOLs could be ten years’ away’ – AiRMOUR project

The AiRMOUR research project simulated validation of manned Urban Air Mobility (UAM) emergency transportation in four cities: Stavangar, Helsinki, Kassel and Luxembourg during 2022 and 2023. While the full results are due to be released in Deliverable D7.6, AiRMOUR partners have released D7.4 to summarise the events of the different emergency medical services tested.

The validation work concluded: “Transporting people in eVTOLS is a long way ahead, especially eVTOLS flying without a pilot onboard. According to the Norwegian CAA, 10 years. According to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), 2024 in France. Industry and regulatory agencies have a lot of work to do before having regulations in place and certified aircraft on the market. Thus, utilizing eVTOLS in EMS settings with humans onboard is still in the future.”

Validation events were arranged in all partner cities. The events demonstrated the AiRMOUR use-cases, combined with local stakeholder workshops, to gather data for validation of the success criteria.

Stavanger, 1 May 2022

The first validation was in Stavanger, validating the use case of delivering a first responder to an accident scene. This event took place during the Nordic Edge Expo 2022, which was hosted by the city of Stavanger. The demonstration connected well with the public, but it appeared at a time before the public survey material was completed. Data collection in the form of interviews and surveys with the public and stakeholders were conducted in coordination with the unmanned UAM EMS event in Stavanger, September 21. 2022.

The simulated flight starts at the helipad of the Stavanger Legevakt (ER room/ambulance station) and ends at the nearby island Vassøy, which is only accessible by ferry.

Kassel, 7-8 March 2023.

The primary objective of the Kassel event was to demonstrate A-B drone logistics in a EMS setting. ES had the Ehang 216 aircraft on display for the stakeholders and local public to inform about eVTOLs and potential use in emergency medical use cases.

Luxembourg, 10-13 March 2023

In Luxembourg there was a public event March 10th and a workshop with invited stakeholders on March 13th. The workshop focused mainly on the use-case of delivery of first responders to an accident scene. The simulated flight started at the HEMS helipad at Luxembourg airport with destination next to a highway junction downtown, at the site of a factionary car accident.

Helsinki, 5-6 April 2023

In Helsinki the project also focused on transporting first responders to an accident scene. April 5th, partners had a focused workshop with FINHEMS where HEMS doctors and paramedics had the chance to embark the Ehang 216 simulating utilizing the eVTOL as an emergency vehicle alternative to a conventional helicopter.

On April 6th partners presented the eVTOL use cases to the general public in Helsinki. The simulated flight started at FINHEMS premises at Helsinki Vantaa Airport, with destination at Suomenlinna island, which is only accessible by ferry.

Read more about the validation trials here

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