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UAM explained: creating a common language on urban air mobility

In June 2021, a group of eight EU-funded projects working on Urban Air Mobility (UAM) field initiated a collaboration to increase awareness and understanding of UAM. These projects are AiRMOUR, AMU-LED, CORUS-XUAM, FF2020, GOF 2.0, Metropolis 2, SAFIR-Med, and TindAIR.

One of the first phases of UAM explained consisted of a social media campaign aimed at gathering feedback from citizens, industry experts and other stakeholders. Different terms together with their definitions where published, and as a consequence we were able to improve the terms and definitions.

On November 2021, the UAM explained  team hosted an Expert Webinar, in which representatives from EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency), EUROCONTROL (European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation), SESAR JU (Single European Sky ATM Research Joint Undertaking), and UIC2 (UAM Initiative Cities Community), discussed and validated the definitions of ten of the most relevant UAM terms of this campaign. As a result, a booklet with the first ten definitions was created.

The campaign continues to run throughout 2022. For example, the booklet refers to UAM terminology as it’s commonly used in the industry today. However, as Urban Air Mobility is a young industry, a second booklet is planned in March 2022 that will include additional terms and definitions that are highly relevant in this rapidly evolving field.

The booklet has been published on SESAR Joint undertaking website: https://www.sesarju.eu/uam-explained

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