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Vports embarks on certification process for vertiports – starting in Dubai

VPorts, the constructor and operator of advanced air mobility (AAM) infrastructure, reports it has initiated the certification process for its vertiports “as part of the world’s first AAM integrator centre at the Mohammed bin Rashid Aerospace Hub (MBRAH) in Dubai South” where construction will start in 2024.

The certification process, according to a press release has been “developed by the GCAA, and aligns with regulation CAR IX-HVD Part III, which outlines the requirements and guidelines for the certification and operation of onshore vertiports within the UAE.

“The need for private and public investors to deliver advanced infrastructure, development, and operations is crucial for the success of AAM. Multiple revenue streams and opportunities will be pursued and leveraged at all stages of development, from project conception to design, development, and long-term implementation.

“With the support of MBRAH, VPorts is planning to establish its Vertiport Operation Control Centre (VOCC) as part of the AAM integrator world centre in Dubai. The VOCC will have the capacity to manage air traffic integration and set up communication protocols between eVTOLs, vertiports and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs). It will also leverage artificial intelligence to evaluate data related to resource management, ensuring efficient and timely decision-making processes for all eVTOLs landing, taking off from, or flying to any vertiport in an eventual global network of locations.

“In December 2022, VPorts signed an exclusive 25-year lease agreement with MBRAH, renewable for a further 25 years, to establish the state-of-the-art AAM centre on a 37,000-square-metre site in Dubai South. The project, which represents an initial investment of USD40 million over three years, is expected to generate direct revenues of USD7 billion in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, combined, over the next 25 years and create 1,500 direct high-quality jobs.”

In addition, VPorts reports the project includes a dedicated flight test airspace, assigned blocked airspace and innovative new technologies to support the growth of the AAM industry and accelerate the certification of eVTOLs.

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(Image: VPorts)

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