AAM/UAM route and programme news

EHang and partners “to develop eVTOL tourist eco-system for Pingtan Island”

EHang Intelligent Equipment (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., Fujian Xinyun Technology Investment Co., Ltd. and the Experimental Zone Investment Promotion Committee have signed a low-altitude flight tourism project covering the resort island of Pingtan, according to China’s Baidu news […]

Air taxis and personal transports

SkyDrive selected for Innovation Grant worth up to USD83 million by Japanese Government

SkyDrive, a Japanese eVTOL aircraft manufacturer, has announced it has been chosen by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for the “Next-generation Air Mobility Field” of the Small and Medium Enterprise Innovation Promotion […]

Air taxis and personal transports

EHang and Hefei Municipal Government partner in low-altitude economy with USD100 million support plan

EHang Holdings has announced that it has entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with the Hefei Municipal Government for the joint development of a low-altitude economy ecosystem in Hefei City, Anhui Province. According to a […]

Government investment

US energy department announces funding opportunity for high-energy aviation storage research

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced up to USD30 million in funding to develop next-generation, high-energy storage solutions to help accelerate the electrification of the aviation, railroad, and maritime transportation sectors. “The Pioneering […]