According to a company press release, the American unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) expert, Woolpert, will work with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) to safely and effectively integrate UAS and related technologies into the business operations of multiple Indiana state agencies.
“INDOT wants to ensure that Indiana is flying UAS safely and effectively,” said Thomas Mackie, Woolpert vice president and geospatial program director. “People and organizations across the country are attempting to integrate drones into their business processes, due to the many benefits of this technology, but often these processes are inconsistent and untested and therefore unsafe.”
He continued, “INDOT wants to do this right the first time, so they are standardising the integration and application of UAS to share resources and address state needs. This will maximize the value and efficiency of the state’s UAS technology and minimize its risk by exercising industry best practices and working within the appropriate regulatory framework.”
Woolpert has worked with INDOT and other state agencies for 30 years. The firm recently completed a contract with Indiana to acquire and process high-resolution orthoimagery and lidar data throughout the state as part of IndianaMap, which houses and shares Indiana’s geospatial data and services. This UAS contract extends and complements the firm’s support of these technologies across the state.
Woolpert is one of America’s fastest-growing AEG firms with more than a century of experience, close to 1,000 employees and 30 offices.
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