by Michael Willoughby
A Maryland startup is launching a food delivery by UAM service, reports TV station, WUSA9.
Shehan Weeraman and Nick Adimi aptly named their company ‘Hangry’ after becoming annoyed and exasperated by homemade food, the station reports.
“We got really lazy to cook and we just decided to order a lot,” Weeraman told WUSA9. “We realized we were paying like $10, sometimes more, for delivery that would take us sometimes over an hour to arrive.”
Hangry plans to partner with restaurants and other establishments to deliver their product by rope from a drone, the report says, continuing, “users would then order food like they normally would. After ordering, the drone would take that delivery and fly it to a designated drop site for pickup.”
“Customers come and simply scan a QR code and grab their food,” Weeraman explained to the reporter. “That way they can take however long they need, but their foods there, so we can just drop it off and go.”
The story continues: “Hangry’s long-term goals for the food delivery industry are to alleviate high prices, long wait times and driver errors. While competition like Uber Eats, DoorDash, and other similar services take over the roads, Hangry said it plans to take to the skies.”
“The team hopes the novelty of a drone delivering food will let them tap into that market and be something everyone can get excited about,” the station reports.
“I was watching people look around me wondering, ‘Why is he waiting there? What’s going on?’ Adimi said to WUSA9. “They see a drone fly and all go crazy about it. That’s going to be the type of emotion that people feel when they actually get to use this. It puts a smile on everyone’s face seeing that because it’s unreal when you see it.”
“The company is currently working with other universities and businesses to get designated drop zones and deliveries going. Future plans include expanding into a full-blown delivery business with cars and bikes alongside their drones,” the report concludes.
For more information
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