Drone Delivery Canada Corp has been invited to participate in a research endeavour with the University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies (“UTIAS”) and Ford Motor Company (“Ford”) towards testing an automated drone as it tracks and lands on a moving ground vehicle within the flight arena.
“This work could greatly expand the applications quadrotor drones are useful for. The more advanced they become, the better they will be at inspecting infrastructure, search and rescue in remote environments, tracking moving objects for security, and delivering light-weight packages. We want to execute repeated landings on the moving vehicle, maintaining the relative position accuracy to within 10 centimeters, even as the speed of the target vehicle increases,” said Associate Professor Steven Waslander, University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies.
“Foundational research infrastructure, coupled with world-class researchers, leads to groundbreaking discoveries,” said Ramin Farnood, U of T Engineering’s Vice-Dean of Research. “With the support of the Canada Foundation for Innovation, our U of T Engineering researchers can continue to be leaders in their field and make positive, vital contributions to our society and the economy
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