Infodron.es reported this week that Santiago de Compostela will host in September “the first aerotaxi tests in Spain” which will be carried out within the H2020 Amu-Led project of the European Commission’s SESAR program.
Infodron.es reports “The transformation of metropolitan areas will be marked in the coming years by Urban Air Mobility and in order to continue generating advances in the sector, projects and flight demonstrations are essential, such as those that are part of the Amu-Led project, which will take the flight of aerotaxis possible in Galicia.
“17 companies and institutions from Europe, the United States and China participate in the project: Everis, Airbus, AirHub, Altitude Angel, Anra, Boeing R&T-E, Fada-Catec, Cranfield University, EHang, Enaire, Gemeente Amsterdam, Ineco, ITG, Jeppesen, NLR, Space53, Umiles and Tecnalia.
“The exercises planned within Amu-Led include more than 100 flight hours, combining different unmanned aerial systems and considering different scenarios, use cases and applications. Operations will be carried out with air taxis, cargo transport, delivery of merchandise and medical equipment, infrastructure inspection, police surveillance and support for emergency services.
“Amu-Led will carry out flight tests this year in Spain, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
“Through tests and simulations in real time, the project will explore and demonstrate the benefits of decongesting roads thanks to air mobility, as well as the improvements obtained in the transport of people.”
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(Image: infodron.es)