New city projects

Orlando to develop advanced air mobility transportation plan in partnership with VHB and NASA

The city of Orlando has partnered with drone operator VHB to create an Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Transportation Plan in cooperation with regional transportation stakeholders to prepare for new mobility options, including emerging electric Vertical […]

New city projects

Covid-19: ConnexiCore employs drones to support construction project safety for social distancing

ConnexiCore, the Nationwide American commercial drone services provider specialising in aerial data collection, image and video analysis, aerial mapping and photogrammetry for industrial clients, are offering their clients support for social distancing.  According to, […]

New city projects

New study details global urban air mobility costs, revenues and infrastructure requirements

The first global, detailed, city-by-city analysis of urban air mobility investment costs, revenue potential and infrastructure requirements has been completed by Washington DC-based corporate and strategic financial consultancy NEXA Advisors. NEXA has researched detailed infrastructure […]

New city projects

Jakarta megacity highlights how urban air mobility can impact the developing world

This article, by Pamir Sevincel[1] reflects an official collaboration between The Aviary Project, a London-based Urban Air Mobility community aiming to bring UAM to the UK by 2025 and Empasco, a non-profit organization that is working towards leveraging technology […]