New city projects

New study details global urban air mobility costs, revenues and infrastructure requirements

The first global, detailed, city-by-city analysis of urban air mobility investment costs, revenue potential and infrastructure requirements has been completed by Washington DC-based corporate and strategic financial consultancy NEXA Advisors. NEXA has researched detailed infrastructure […]

New city projects

Jakarta megacity highlights how urban air mobility can impact the developing world

This article, by Pamir Sevincel[1] reflects an official collaboration between The Aviary Project, a London-based Urban Air Mobility community aiming to bring UAM to the UK by 2025 and Empasco, a non-profit organization that is working towards leveraging technology […]

New city projects

Fairfax launches UAS programme to aid first responders

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has voted unanimously to approve a Public Safety Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) programme. “The county’s UAS program will provide an enhanced level of operational capability, safety and situational awareness for the Office of Emergency Management, […]